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Right Care. Right Place. Right time.

Improving pediatric acute care

ImPACTS (Improving Pediatric Acute Care Through Simulation) was created to ensure that ill and injured children receive the highest quality of emergency care whenever and wherever it is needed.

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Toyota Way Forward Fund.png

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Our Vision


...every ill and injured child receives timely, safe, and effective emergency care whenever and wherever it is needed (no matter where they live, attend school, or travel).

...emergency Medical care providers across the continuum are prepared to provide timely, safe, and effective emergency care to children.

...every ED has the equipment and resources to provide timely, safe, and effective emergency care to children.


ImPACTS Emergency Department

We support clinicians that want to support improving the care of children in their ED.

Our goal is to engage a global community working to ensure the highest quality of care is provided to acutely ill and injured children whenever and wherever it is needed.

We are a collaborative of passionate emergency clinicians that support each other through:

  1. A Community of Practice:  mentorship, coaching, collaboration, mutual support

  2. Creating/sharing free, open access, educational resources for interdisciplinary teams (SimBox) and individual providers (podcasts, learning modules, videos).


Our interdisciplinary group of clinicians is working collaboratively with Emergency Nurses Associations (ENA), Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) and other partners. 

Want to learn more about different ways to be involved in ImPACTS? See below!

Our model involves ImPACTS mentors supporting ImPACTS ED pediatric champions through training/resources for in situ simulation via SimBox. The simulation provides the mentor-champion opportunity to collaborate on work in the ED.  The simulation is a great way for the pediatric champion to start engaging in pediatric improvement.  It is a wonderful opportunity for ED staff to practice teamwork, communication, medical management and assess their system of care.  

After the simulation the pediatric champion and mentor will work together to address any gaps identified in the simulation and utilize a Pediatric Readiness Score (PRS). The mentors will provide the pediatric champions with additional education and resources for the pediatric champion to share with front line staff.  The champions will disseminate these resources to their staff.  This will help staff to recognize the champion as a go to source for pediatric resources.


Over time, we aim for ImPACTS ED champions to facilitate their own pediatric simulations and readiness improvement efforts with minimal support from their mentor.  These champions interact regularly as a part of our community to support each other in their shared goal to improve pediatric care.


Many of our champions will “pay it forward” and become mentors within the program.

White Structure


Improving Pediatric Acute Care Through Simulation (ImPACTS) brings together individuals working to improve pediatric emergency care in a community of practice. In the US, 90% of the 31 million children requiring emergency care present to EDs where the majority of the patients are adults. These EDs may not be optimized to care for the sickest pediatric patients and/or have access to pediatric subspecialists. ImPACTS involves academic medical centers collaborating community hospitals and other academic medical centers in a community of practice with a shared vision.

Emergency Departments

Empowering staff to learn, develop, and take steps toward making their ED pediatric ready.  By leveraging a network of Regional & Hospital Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinators, every ED can implement the best practices and policies to support a long-term commitment to child care.


Aimed to assess the education needs and resources available to inpatient pediatric units and hospitals.

Free Open Access Medical Simulations

Utilizing virtual, hybrid, screen-based, and hybrid learning methods, pediatric care trainings take place through a variety of platforms.


The ImPACTS Transport project aims to describe, measure and compare pediatric specialty transport teams. Pediatric transport teams from academic medical centers will complete three in situ sims of a decompensating child in their own transport vehicles.


Evaluate and improve delivery room readiness in Level I & II community delivery rooms and NICUs with simulation and debriefing.


The goal of ImPACTS is to improve the quality of care delivered to acutely ill and injured children whenever and wherever it is needed. Outpatient offices and general pediatricians are often a vital link in the continuum of pediatric acute care required to achieve this goal.


This is a multi-site educational project addressing performance of EMS teams providing
resuscitative care to critically ill children in a simulated setting

Our Partnering
Academic Medical Centers

Generously Powered By:

Toyota Way Forward Fund.png

In Collaboration With:

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