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Doctor high-fiving child

Improving Pediatric Acute Care Through Simulation (ImPACTS) brings together individuals working to improve pediatric emergency care in a community of practice. In the US, 90% of the 31 million children requiring emergency care present to EDs where the majority of the patients are adults. These EDs may not be optimized to care for the sickest pediatric patients and/or have access to pediatric subspecialists. ImPACTS involves academic medical centers collaborating community hospitals and other academic medical centers in a community of practice with a shared vision.



...every ill and injured child receives timely, safe, and effective emergency care whenever and wherever it is needed (no matter where they live, attend school, or travel).

...emergency Medical care providers across the continuum are prepared to provide timely, safe, and effective emergency care to children.

...every ED has the equipment and resources to provide timely, safe, and effective emergency care to children.

Emergency Departments

Empowering staff to learn, develop, and take steps toward making their ED pediatric ready.  By leveraging a network of Regional & Hospital Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinators, every ED can implement the best practices and policies to support a long-term commitment to child care.


Aimed to assess the education needs and resources available to inpatient pediatric units and hospitals.

Free Open Access Medical Simulations

Utilizing virtual, hybrid, screen-based, and hybrid learning methods, pediatric care trainings take place through a variety of platforms.


This is a multi-site educational project addressing performance of EMS teams providing
resuscitative care to critically ill children in a simulated setting


Evaluate and improve delivery room readiness in Level I & II community delivery rooms and NICUs with simulation and debriefing.


The goal of ImPACTS is to improve the quality of care delivered to acutely ill and injured children whenever and wherever it is needed. Outpatient offices and general pediatricians are often a vital link in the continuum of pediatric acute care required to achieve this goal.


The ImPACTS Transport project aims to describe, measure and compare pediatric specialty transport teams. Pediatric transport teams from academic medical centers will complete three in situ sims of a decompensating child in their own transport vehicles.

Watch the Latest ImPACTS Town Hall Webinar
February 19, 2025


ImPACTS Leadership

Erin Montgomery, BSN, RN, CCRN

Project Director

Erin has a nursing background in Pediatric Critical Care and currently works as a critical care transport RN for the pediatric/neonatal specialty transport team for Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, IN. Erin is interested in educational outreach for community sites and assisted in establishing the Pediatric Community Outreach Mobile Education (PCOME). Erin has helped in improving the quality of care provided to ill children in the emergency departments in the state of Indiana by providing in-situ high fidelity simulation visits to educate and train community hospital EDs in the state to provide optimal care to ill children. She has served as the program manager for the PCOME program and has established and developed relationships with 28 community hospitals throughout the state of Indiana. Erin is the Indiana site coordinator for the ImPACTS (Improving Pediatric Acute Care Through Simulation) consortium as the lead site on the multicenter improvement collaborative.

Benjamin Michaels - Headshot.png

Benjamin Michaels, MBA

Director, Business Operations & Finance

Benjamin holds an MBA with a concentration in New Venture Development, as well as a bachelors degree in Economics; both from SUNY University at Albany, and is currently pursuing his MPH through the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy. He is a seasoned professional with over a decade of operations management and business development experience in diverse sectors. Recognized for demonstrating a natural aptitude for change management, as well as for business consulting and financial analysis, he has a history of contributing directly to company growth and expansion throughout his career. As such, he has consistently exceeded budgetary and performance goals, and is adept at achieving maximum operational impacts with minimal resource expenditure. His professional focal points include business development, regulatory compliance, process optimization, project management, culture development, strategic planning, and risk mitigation. Ben is a Business Consultant and Project Manager for multiple initiatives and clients, which allows him to best leverage these skillsets.

Marc Auerbach

Marc Auerbach, MD, FAAP, MSc

ImPACTS Co-Chair

Marc Auerbach started collaborative work with community EDs in Connecticut ten years ago. He completed a K30 Masters of Science in Clinical Investigation with a focus in translational medicine at New York University and post-graduate course work on simulation at Harvard’s Center for Medical Simulation. He has substantial leadership experiences in simulation and emergency medical services for children.

Elizabeth Sanseau, MD

Elizabeth Sanseau, MD

ImPACTS Co-Chair

Elizabeth Sanseau is a physician who specializes in pediatrics, emergency medicine and global health. She began her pediatrics career in 2014 working in the Alaska Native medical system and describes this time as the most inspirational and formative five years of her professional life. She currently practices clinically as a pediatric emergency medicine provider while partnering with several national and international healthcare organizations to co-create, implement and evaluate simulation-based medical education adapted for both in-person and remote facilitation.

Kamal Abulebda, MD

Kamal Abulebda, MD

ImPACTS Co-Chair

Kamal Abulebda, MD, joined the IU School of Medicine faculty in 2012 after completing his fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. Focusing on service to the university, his department and his patients, he serves as the Medical Director of the pediatric sedation service at Riley Hospital for Children. Dr. Abulebda assisted in establishing the pediatric procedural sedation protocol at Riley Hospital as well as expanding the sedation service to include pediatric patients hospital-wide. Dr. Abulebda is also very interested in the medical simulation field. Being a co-leader of the Pediatric Community Outreach Mobile Education (PCOME) program, Dr. Abulebda helped in improving the quality of care provided to ill children in the emergency departments in the state of Indiana by providing in-situ high fidelity simulation visits to

educate and train community hospital EDs in the state to provide optimal care to ill children. Dr. Abulebda was successful in obtaining funding for this effort through two IU Health Value Grants and one Department of Pediatrics Grant. Dr. Abulebda is also a member of the Indiana Emergency Medical Service for Children (iEMSC) Facility Quality Improvement Project that aims to improve pediatric emergency readiness in the state. Additionally, Dr. Abulebda was successful in starting a collaborative network with other major children's hospitals across the nation to help improve the care of ill children on a national level through IMPACTS, the Improving Pediatric Acute Care Through Simulation Network.


Cage Cochran

Post-Graduate Research Associate

Cage is a recent graduate from Yale University with a degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Being from a small town in Alabama, his passion for community and education drives his pursuit of becoming a doctor focusing on rural medicine. As a research associate with ImPACTS, his work focuses on creating innovative technical solutions for providers in underserved emergency departments. He has a keen eye for detail and leverages it with a natural affinity for data analysis. Cage also supports the SimBox simulation program to help ensure all frontline providers are prepared for pediatric emergencies whenever and wherever they happen.

Advisory Team

Senior Advisory Team

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