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Emergency Departments

 A Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator (PECC) is responsible for enhancing the quality of emergency care for children by ensuring that pediatric-specific protocols, equipment, and training are in place within emergency departments. They serve as a liaison between staff, leadership, and external pediatric care resources to promote best practices in pediatric emergency care.


Our model involves Pediatric Readiness Improvement & Simulation Mentors (PRISM) supporting community ED pediatric champions and PECCs through training and resources for in situ simulation via SimBox. The simulation provides the PRISM-PECC/champion opportunity to collaborate on work in the ED. After the simulation the pediatric champion and PRISM will work together to address any gaps identified in the simulation and utilize a Pediatric Readiness Score (PRS). The PRISMs will provide the PECCs/champions with additional education, resources, milestones and guidance in improving pediatric readiness in their own ED.


Over time, we aim for PECCs/champions to facilitate their own pediatric simulations and readiness improvement efforts with minimal support from their PRISM. These champions interact regularly as a part of our community to support each other in their shared goal to improve pediatric care.

Before Surgery

About Pediatric Readiness

Download the PECC Milestones Guide
for all of the Pediatric Readiness Domains

Children have unique physiological, emotional, and developmental characteristics that require specialized emergency care. Children do not always have access to this specialized pediatric care. In fact, 80% of children receive emergency care in general EDs. General EDs primarily treat adults and may not be well-prepared for children because of low pediatric patient volume. Pediatric Readiness is ensuring that every EMS, fire-rescue agency and emergency department has the pediatric-specific champions, competencies, policies, equipment, and other resources needed to provide high-quality emergency care for children. The way to ensure that this is being completed is by following the domains set in place within pediatric readiness.

Pediatric Readiness by Domain

(Click each domain to learn more and view related resources for PECCs to use in their ED)

Hospital Employees

How the hospital coordinates and integrates pediatric care across all relevant departments, implementing a Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator.

Desk with Stethoscope

The availability of pediatric-specific equipment, supplies and medications across hospital units.


The maintenance of pediatric clinical competencies of staff through education, training and experience.

Newborn Baby

The presence of safe medication systems and reduction of risks specific to pediatric patients.

Medical Worker

The establishment of policies, procedures and protocols for the care of pediatric patients.

Doctor Taking Notes

The monitoring of quality metrics and implementation of improvement initiatives related to pediatric care.

Office Work

The provision of pediatric-specific ancillary, consultative, transport and social services.

Enhancing Pediatric Emergency Care Through Collaborative Simulation and Support

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Anyone interested in Pediatric Readiness, becoming a PECC or is a PECC please join us for a monthly virtual PECC community of practice Zoom to discuss different topics each call.
See the flyer below for the

Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator Monthly Check in.png

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